People put so much focus on how to get into college that they sometimes forget what to do once they actually get there. There's so much great information out there but only some that have made an impact on me. So far I think the best advice actually lies in the chapter titles for Cal Newport's book, How To Win At College. These are the titles of my handpicked favorite chapters. I put a * next to the ones that I thought were most important.
- Create a Sunday ritual
- Drop classes every semester
- Start long-term projects the day they are assigned*
- Make your bed
- Apply to ten scholarships a year*
- Build study systems*
- Befriend a professor
- Become club president*
- Read a newspaper every day
- Do one thing better than anyone else you know
- Avoid daily to-do lists
- Never nap
- Sign up for something your first week
- Always be working on a grand project*
- Blow the curve once a semester*
- Jump into research as soon as possible*
- Dress nicely for class
- Decorate your room
- Start studying two weeks in advance
- Write outside of class
- Don't study in your room*
- Join an honors program*
- Do schoolwork every day
- Attend guest lectures
- Exercise five days a week
- Take on a extra major or minor*
- Meet often with your adviser*
- Don't get a normal job
- Use three days to write a paper*
- Never pull an all-nighter
- Use high-quality notebooks
- Keep a work-progress journal
- Get involved with your major department*
- Always go to class
- Eat healthy
- Attend political rallies
- Find a secret study place
- Use the quiz and recall method
- Empty your inbox
- Start fast, end slow
- Spend a semester studying abroad
I can't wait to start using this advice next Fall! There's so much of it in the titles alone. I definitely recommend any college-bound students to go out and purchase this book if you haven't already. It's amazing how much you could learn in one sitting.
- Arietta
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