Thursday, May 23, 2013

I should be studying, but...

How do you resist procrastinating when it comes do studying? Cal Newport, founder of Study Hack, recommends asking yourself the 3 Hows:

1. How am I going to study?
2. For how long?
3. How do I know it will work?

Procrastination is not really the issue regarding your lack of studying. Rather, it is all about whether or not your plans for studying are actually going to reap any results. If the answer is yes to all 3 Hows procrastination will not be a problem for you because your brain knows that your plan to study is actually going to work.

Bottom-line is that anyone can overcome procrastination.

All you have to do is chose the studying techniques that work best for you. Whether that's active recall, making a visual, or playing a study game you created, make it so that by the time you take that exam you're relaxed, exceedingly confident in yourself, and have no doubt that you learned everything you needed to know.

Mental prepping is almost just as important as the actual study time. Make sure your relaxed and in a all-around good mood before any exam!

- Arietta


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